Honey select cow girl outfit mods download

I installed one of your mods and now all my girls are white! Every single person I’ve seen with this issue, it’s been because they installed a Sexy Beach Premium Resort mod in Honey Select. Please pay attention to what the mod’s title says, if it says SBPR, then it’s for Sexy Beach Premium Resource. If it’s HS it’s Honey Select. Starlene Clothes Pack Since I’ve said most of it in the preview I can keep it brief~ This is the first top entry from the last poll. Highly modified to appear closet to the appearance of character “Taihou”. For freedom of choice I’ve added two versions, one of them covers up the cleavage a bit and adds a [ ] See all the posts mods.  · Starlene Cosplay Pack 21 [version ] Posted on 29 April, 3 July, Posted in Colorable, Coordinate Cards, Cosplay, Honey Select, Outfit. Here’s the Mythra outfit from the poll. With a couple of alternate outfits as side dishes. Similarly to one of the Pyra versions, this one allows you to color the white area and the gem color.

Jul 6, - Explore Cardinal's board "Sims Native Am. cc" on Pinterest. See more ideas about sims, sims 4, sims 4 custom content. Extracting it with WinRAR and keeping it simple in a folder like Drive H -- Honey Select 2 and I end up with corrupt files ranging from maps, chara, gamedata, mods, etc. Its like + errors. Ran a disk check, defrag check still cant seem to find out why it keeps saying the files are corrupt. 网易云音乐是一款专注于发现与分享的音乐产品,依托专业音乐人、dj、好友推荐及社交功能,为用户打造全新的音乐生活。.

Install: First, make sure you have MoreSlotID at least on version If you have an older version, update it or the mod won’t work. See higher in the post for a link to MoreSlotID Thanks to lwlin for the update. Then download the main mod and extract the abdata folder of the main download into your HS main directory, if asked to merge. I installed one of your mods and now all my girls are white! Every single person I’ve seen with this issue, it’s been because they installed a Sexy Beach Premium Resort mod in Honey Select. Please pay attention to what the mod’s title says, if it says SBPR, then it’s for Sexy Beach Premium Resource. If it’s HS it’s Honey Select. This page was made for the sake of having mirror/alternate download links in case the original sources go offline. Honey Select Mod requirements: Hopefully, you can find most resources from Lewd-H's wonderful Pastebin.


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